Donald Trump says The New York Times doesn’t “write good”


Think well. He does not think well of The New York Times.

Trump caused some journalists to chuckle when he said on Monday night that political reporters at The Times “don’t know how to write good.”

“The New York Times is so unfair,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “I mean they write three, four articles about me a day. No matter how good I do on something, they’ll never write good.”

The grammatical mistake was mocked at length on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Tuesday morning. The talk show played a clip from “Zoolander” of the main character introducing a “Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good.”

Here are three links to help understand the use of “good vs. well”:

Confusing words: Good and Well

Confusing words: Good and Well (Part II)

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